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The Furious #1 The Escape #2 The Isle #3 The Man #4 The Palace
Lenz Fondazione
Malaise of the Intelligences | Presentazione libro
Bianca Tosatti + Stefano Ferrari +Sergio Manghi + Maria Inglese
The empathic screen. Cinema and Neurosciences | Presentation of book
Conversation about Matter of Time | Doors. Multimodality image fruition and new mediation. Image, body, brain: the aestetich experience.
Vittorio Gallese + Michele Guerra
The Unknown of the Seine
Patrizio Dall’Argine
Providence | Videoinstallation
Fiorella Iacono
Unfinished Interior
Tim Spooner
Hyperion #2 < Only when the houses and the temples are dead, the wild beasts dare to enter over the doors and over the streets
Lenz Fondazione + Paul Wirkus
Solo Voice & Electronics
Maja Solveig Kjelstrup Ratkje
Das Spiel
Alessandro Bedosti + Antonella Oggiano
Unknown Location | Presentazione libro
Adriano Engelbrecht + Ilaria Drago