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Maguy Marin
“Born in Toulouse, dancer and choreographer Maguy Marin studied classical ballet at the Toulouse dance academy. She then joined the Strasbourg Dance Company and later Mudra, Maurice Béjart’s multi-disciplinary school in Brussels. In 1978, with Daniel Ambash, she founded the Ballet-Théâtre de l’Arche, which was to become the Compagnie Maguy Marin in 1984. The Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne followed in 1985: its unremitting artistic work spread worldwide. In 1987, Marin’s encounter with musician-composer Denis Mariotte was the starting point of a decisive partnership, which broadened the scope of experimentation. Then in 1998, a new place to settle in, for a new Centre Chorégraphique National, in Rillieux-la-Pape: a place as a we in time and space to strengthen one’s ability to foster those diagonal forces resisting oblivion (H. Arendt). The year 2011 saw a remodelling of the framework in which the company’s reflection and achievements unfold. After the intensity of the Rillieux-la-Pape years, there emerged a need for a new phase, now greeted by Toulouse. Thanks to that anchorage, the company has been able to keep on expanding the immaterial space of a relentlessly resilient togetherness.”
David Mambouch
David Mambouch joined until 2010 the permanent troupe of actors of Villeurbanne’s TNP, where he was involved in the direction of numerous plays directed by Christian Schiaretti. He also performed in Mère & Fils by Joël Jouanneau, directed by Michel Raskine. As a director, his works include Harold Pinter Club’s project and l’Oracle de Saint-Foix. As a writer, he wrote and directed several plays at Théâtre Les Ateliers (Lyon) including Kaveh Kanes, Terrible et Noires Pensées and Mains Fermes. His play Premières Armes has been directed by Olivier Borle at the TNP of Villeurbanne. He also wrote scripts and directed numerous short films, including La Grande Cause, a film series co-directed with Oliver Borle. As an actor, he performed in 2004 in the movie la Maison de Nina (2004) with actress Agnès Jaoui. Since 2012, he has worked with Company Maguy Marin as a movie director for Nocturnes around the eponym play, but also as an interpreter for the plays May B and Umwelt. In 2013, he started working on a new project with Maguy Marin and Benjamin Lebreton called Singspiele.