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durata: 45′
The Japanese ideogram denoted by the word MA is a special type of aesthetical sensitivity, portrayed as empty space, silence or the motionlessness of objects. MA#museum keys on the separateness of bodies as that which validates space for dialogue, and it muses on the changes of states of matter. Technology and handy work figure into the stagecraft, generating a delicate, intimate type of space, being in which satisfies the essential condition for listening. Dance interacts with an array of mobile sculptures, virtual and wire-figure, and with projected sound and light. Sound is picked up directly from the movement of objects and sent back as a live electronic stream. The choreography develops inside and outside of two cube-like structures, one full and the other empty. The dance pets and draws in the public. Within a safe-zone delimited by the performance, time is suspended.
concept and choreoraphy Marta Bichisao
scenes and lights Vincenzo Schino
live electronics Patrizia Mattioli
sound composition Federico Ortica
with Alessandro Bedosti, Marta Bichisao
stagecraft Emiliano Austeri,
scenography Vincenzo Schino
video Paul Harden e Grazia Genovese
organization Marco Betti
production Opera, CRT Milano/Centro Ricerche Teatrali
support: Indisciplinarte/Terni Festival, Associazione Demetra/centro di palmetta