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le Jardin
Ginevra Panzetti ed Enrico Ticconi
LENZ TEATRO – EST HALL < 27 June h21
durata: 40′
Gardens always have been considered as ideal places, recalling the symbology of
pleasure and the harmonic relationship between humans and nature. While shaping those places, our longing for the beauty and the lush, the delight and the peaceful culminates especially in the nostalgic recall of the mythological Garden of Eden. At the same time gardens are also expressions of an utterly anthropocentric overmolding of nature. In Le Jardin two figures are wandering inside an imaginary landscape that is constantly transformed by their gestures. They rearrange their surrounding embarking on a trial of strength with themselves and the space.
Choreography, Performance, Costumes: Ginevra Panzetti and Enrico Ticconi !
Sound design: Demetrio Castellucci
Stage & Light: Vìctor Fernàndez De Tejada Pequeño !
Technical direction: Paolo Tizianel !
Dramaturgy: Thomas Schaupp !
Photo still: Sandro Moscogiuri !
Video production: Ilaria Di Carlo !
Funded by: Early-Career funding of the Berlin Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs !
With the support of: Tanzfabrik Berlin, PACT Zollverein Essen, Teatro Comandini/
Osservatorio Cesena and Inter-University Centre for Dance (HZT) Berlin, Associazione
Culturale VAN.