Ilaria Drago

[cml_media_alt id='7108']ILARIA DRAGO[/cml_media_alt]

Ilaria Drago is an actress, author, performance director. Born in Florence in 1969, she is among the few students of Perla Peragallo, with which she trained immediately perceiving the idea of ​​a theater that was out of the conventional one. After graduating, has supported Perla in teaching at her school.


He attended the seminars of overtone singing with Maestro Roberto Laneri, seminars with Kaya Anderson and Jan Magilton from Malerargue's Roy Hart, he studied for about ten years with the baroque singer Rosanna Rossoni. She was trained in sensitive dance® for group conductors with the dancer-choreographer Claude Coldy and in RES_Systemic Experiential Reprogramming, with Giuliana Strauss.


He holds workshops and theater workshops throughout Italy, he was part of the teaching in the project Arguing for the Argot Theater in collaboration with the Municipality of Rome, she was the founder with Marco Guidi of TSR_Sensitive Theater of Reconnection traveling training project for live entertainment professionals.

In the 2016 enters the study proposals of the Academy of the Teatro Stabile in Turin, holding a three day workshop.


In 1995 he merged his Company Testedaster with that of Roberto Latini, founding Fortebraccio Theatre, Company recognized and financed by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, from which she exited after a year. In the 2003 he founded the cultural association with Salah Ibrahim and Antonio Cipriani The Mastaba in Florence and in 2005 the Ilaria Drago Company with which he currently works. In the 2006 opened the theater space The Mill of the owls, company headquarters, in which it promotes meetings with artists, shows and workshops. With the Company, he manages the Spazio Teatro Magazzini della Lupa in Tuscania (VT) together with Dark Camera by Marcello Sambati.


For three years she was Artistic Director of the series of meetings with artists An artist tells you….”, at the headquarters of the Association and collaborated with the Municipality of Vejano (VT) holding a three-year theater training workshop.


His works Dreamtime project (in collaboration with the video-artist Alberto Tessore and with the musician-composer Roberto Laneri, and inspired by Australian Aboriginal culture), Metavoice (with Roberto Laneri, a fusion of word-harmonics and didijeridoo), the theater concert Joan of Arc travel notes, on tour throughout Italy and Brazil (with the composer Stefano Scatozza and the percussionist singer Danila Massimi), they ushered in that new form of theatre-poetic-musical which develops and defines in the shows The Ship of Fools in collaboration with the director actor poet Marcello Sambati, the painter Mikulàs Rachlìk and Roberto Laneri; Mariacane – story of a rape, in collaboration with the musician composer Marco Guidi e Our bodies-little performance of love, always with Marco Guidi; Spiral of sweetness + serpent of charm, from Cecilia Bello Minciacchi's anthology of futurist poetesses, in collaboration with the poetess Rosaria Lo Russo, Isabella Bordoni and the composer Marco Guidi; They don't always remember by Patrizia Vicinelli, (in three different versions: one in collaboration with the poet Lello Voce, creator of the project, Antonello Salis, Paul Fresu, Dafer Hussef, the other in duet with Paolo Fresu and a last one in solo with the collaboration of Daniela Rossi); the performance based on his novel, From skin to sky; the show E'leos_tracce around the origins of the myth in collaboration with the Teatro Argot in Rome which debuted in June 2012 at the Divinamente Roma Festival by Pamela Villoresi.


Currently: is taking the show on tour throughout Italy Simone Weil – poetic concert, Magdalene Mary, Antigone pietas (which debuted for the Magna Graecia Teatro Festival directed by Giorgio Albertazzi) all in collaboration with the musician composer Marco Guidi.
He also collaborates with Coppelia Theater in the show for actress and puppet Clockwork Metaphysics, and with Roberto Latini, Fortebraccio Theatre, in the show Metamorphosis.


As an actress and performer: after being part of the Leo De Berardinis Theater Company, he has collaborated and works with some of the best European musicians and with the best known contemporary poets, including among others Paolo Fresu, Louis Five (in concerts with great artists such as Moni Ovadia, Antonello Salis, Raìz, Gianluca Ruggeri, Jivan Gasparyan, Will Bonafede, Badara sec…), Lello Voce, Nanni Balestrini, Joumana Haddad… She was a guest in Tokyo and Kyoto for the year of Italy in Japan interpreting the poems of great contemporary poets and Nanni Balestrini's Electra.


As an author: as well as several unpublished texts for the scene, published the collection of plays Ecstasy (Publishing&Show), with a preface by Dante Maffia, Antonio Cipriani and David Riondino.

He published the novel for Avagliano Editore From skin to sky (June 2008), a book that deals with the difficult issue of child abuse in the home and which she has presented throughout Italy accompanied by psychologists, social workers, magistrates, police, politicians (among others, Giusy Gabriel, Julia Rodano, Cecilia D'Elia, Mary Monteleone, Gaetano Assante, Francis Alvaro, Marisa Guarnieri Luigi Cancrini, Aldo Morrone…); also presented on Rai1, Rai2, La7, Rai3. Inspired by the novel he made as a director, artistic director, organizer, actress the important event skin-to-sky marathon (October 2009), manifestation with 40 artists for the opening of the first assistance desk, notWAVE SUN, open 24 hours for women and children victims of violence, sponsored by Eni and the Lazio Region.

It came out in June 2013 per Nemapress l’restlessness of the beast, book of poems winner of the "Premio13" International Poetry Prize with a preface by Dante Maffia and the Roberto Farina International Prize.

It came out in April 2015 the second collection of plays Of dust and resurrections_triptych of women and other little stories, for the Nemapress.

In October 2015 the new book of poems in collaboration with the poet actor Adriano Engelbrecht has been released Location unknown for Fedelo's.

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