Nature Gods Theatres >> edition 2024
Dal 1996 Lenz Fondazione has established relationships with other national and international artistic realities within the hospitality and co-production space called Festival Natura Dèi Teatri. After the All Women edition of 2021, In the 2022 a new phase has opened – Natura Dèi Teatri 2.0 – for a more stable and lasting construction of artistic understandings based on the recognition of affinities and the desire to co-produce national and international projects and transdisciplinary seminars.
For the three-year period 2022_2024 the project is structured around the theme of RELATIVES, inviting artists and collectives to generate actions for new natural-cultural performative models, hybridizing philosophy, mythology, sciences and arts.
This is how residences are born, productions, laboratories, sharing, seminars, presentations, shows, united by investigations and artistic practices on the themes of ecofeminism, of the coexistence of differences, of the decolonization of Western culture, of overcoming dualisms, with the theoretical scope of reference the corpus of the American philosopher Donna Haraway.
After Annamaria Ajmone, Stefania ?Alos Pedretti, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Muna Mussie, Monica Barone, Valentina Barbarini, Lucia Nicolussi Perego and Jan Voxel Digital Art, the project continues in 2024 with Lorenza Guerrini, Valentina Barbarini, Monica Barone and Giulia Odetto.
>> Programma
Bestiary | Female Animal, 12 ACTIONS | RELATIVES
In the three-year period 2022_2024 twelve artists* were invited* to co-produce with the Lenz artists* 12 paths that will investigate the themes of gender roles, anti-speciesism, ecofeminism, overcoming dualisms through projects divided into residencies, productions, laboratories, seminars and presentation of shows.
In a historical period in which the definition takes on significant importance and the signifier is fundamental to ensure the guaranteed existence of the meaning, visibility and representation, Lenz aims to ensure representation spaces for women active in the cultural field, aimed at sharing the words and practices necessary for one's project of generating new worlds.
Lenz will increasingly become a physical and intellectual space aimed at giving shape to apparent utopias described by terms such as sustainability, equity, accessibility, feminism, transfemminismo, interculture vs cultural appropriation, gender medicine, intersectionality, activism, regeneration; apparent utopias characterized by a goodness of action that is making reality of the imaginary concrete in places (physical, social, virtual) of community.