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Malaise of the intelligences
Malaise of the intelligences. Show of the irregular arts | Presentation of book
Bianca Tosatti + Stefano Ferrari + Sergio Manghi + Maria Inglese
PsicoArt journal, vol. 6, 2015
Presentation of the special number:
Malaise of the intelligences. Show of the irregular arts
Edited by Stefano Ferrari and Bianca Tosatti
Speakers: Stefano Ferrari, Maria Inglese, Sergio Manghi, Bianca Tosatti
The journal rounds up articles written by:
Marzio Dall’Acqua, Anna Ferruta, Vanda Franceschetti, Maria Inglese e Sergio Manghi, Alessandra Mantovani, Annalisa Pellino e Alessandra Zanelli, Lina Pispico e Gabriele Mina, Daniela Rosi, Tea Taramino, Bianca Tosatti e Wolfram Voigtländer.
This sixth number of the “PsicoArt journal” includes the interventions of several academics, critics and professionals belonging to the iridescent world of irregular arts and represents a further opportunity to update and reflect about this so suggestive and problematic matter that contributes significantly in enriching the dialogue between arts and psychology. Within the same context, the presentation of the artwork created by some of the authors of the essays, would like to connect with the twentieth edition of Natura dei Teatri Festival which will be held in Parma from the 19 November to the 6 December 2015.
The IAAP – International Association for Art and Psychology – was founded in 2000 in Florence by Graziella Magherini, who is its current honorary president, in order to promote the studies about the relationship – even its disparate variations – between these two fields of knowledge, engaging not only psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts but also art historians, theorists, critics, artists and curators.
The regional section of the IAAP, presided over by Stefano Ferrari, which has its headquarter in the Department of Arts at Bologna University, has been involved in the world of irregular arts since a long time, supporting the work of researchers, teachers, students and academics and following by the same way and with a great interest, the work of the Lenz Theatre which is considered one of the most innovative and daring experiences in the Italian overview by the Association itself.
Introduction by Francesco Pititto
Stefano Ferrari: Presentation of the Journal and the IAAP
Bianca Tosatti: History of the malaises inside the visual thinking
Sergio Manghi: The Knowledge of care and the wisdom of unreal
Maria Inglese: Malaises and irregularity: madness and prison