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Silvia Costa
Director and performer, in 2006 she graduated in Visual Art and Theater at IUAV University in Venice. Since 2007, with the italian musician and composer Lorenzo Tomio, she starts her own artistic project. The origin of her research starts from an affection to the image, from a need to dig and go deep down, untill where it leads. A continuous relocation of that breaking point, where from seeing you can lead the viewer to thinking. Her works have been featured in some of the major Italian festivals ( Festival Uovo, Milano; Es.terni Festiva, Terni; Contemporanea, Prato; Festival delle Colline Torinesi; Crisalide Festival, Forlì; Operaestate, Bassano; Zoom Festival, Scandicci; Natura dei Teatri, Parma) and International ( Festival de la Cité Internationale, Parigi; BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen; Drugajanje Festival, Ljubljana; Euro-scene, Leipzig). Thanks to the proposition from the festival Uovokids in Milano, in 2012 she starts to develop a series of performances and installations for kids. Since the 2006 she has been contributed as actress and artistic collaborator in most of all the productions for Theater and Opera by Romeo Castellucci.
Photo © Silvia Boschiero