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Sergio Manghi
Sergio Manghi (Parma 1947), graduated in Sociology at the University of Trento in 1971, is currently Full Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the University of Parma. His main research topics are the ongoing transformations of subjectivity, the processes of social victimization, the dynamics of the relationships of care, and theoretically, the transdisciplinary plots between social sciences and bio-psycho-evolutionary perspectives, with particular attention to the ecology of the mind of Gregory Bateson, the complex thought of Edgar Morin and the mimetic theory of René Girard. Outside the University, it carries out training in the professions and services of the relationships of care, education and help. Since 2010 he edits the blog Il terzo incluso, at the online newspaper La Repubblica-Parma.
Among his volumes: L’altro uomo. Violenza sulle donne e condizione maschile (Pazzini, 2014); Parma senza. Immaginario, società e politica al tempo della rete (Battei 2012), La conoscenza ecologica. Attualità di Gregory Bateson (Cortina 2010 rist.); Zidane. Anatomia di una testata mondiale (“Communitas”, 2010, rist.); Il soggetto ecologico di Edgar Morin. Verso una società-mondo (Erickson 2009), Lo sguardo della vittima. Nuove sfide alla civiltà delle relazioni (a cura, con A. Bosi, Angeli 2009), Il medico, il paziente e l’altro (Angeli 2009 rist.).