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Patrizio Dall’Argine
Patrizio Dall’Argine is a researcher in theatre of animation. He worked with the Teatro delle Briciole of Parma for more than ten years presenting his performances to several Italian and European theatre festivals and networks. In 1999 he won the Premio Eti-Scenario theatre award with the Contraerea project, a monologue about the Bosnia war, written, directed and interpreted by Dall’Argine himself and inspired to the book “La Guerra in casa” written by Luca Rastello. He was one of the founders of the Ca’ luogo d’arte Company in Reggio Emilia which is directed by Maurizio Bercini. Currently he is collaborating with the Museum of the puppets of Parma and thanks to his chamber music training he is working also with the Amadei Trio on projects which make the theatre of animation meet the classical music. In 2009 he invented the medical-hypnotic theatre. He writes the texts, paints the sceneries and carvers the puppets of his performances by himself. He wrote the “Manuale del burattinaio consapevole” (The aware puppeteer handbook), which is to be published.