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Michele Guerra
Michele Guerra (Parma, 1982) is Associate Professor of Film Theory at the University of Parma. Among his books, both as author and editor, Il meccanismo indifferente. La concezione della Storia nel cinema di Stanley Kubrick (2007), Sequenze. Quaderni di cinema 1949-1951 (2009), Gli ultimi fuochi. Cinema italiano e mondo contadino dal fascismo agli anni Settanta (2010), Le immagini tradotte. Usi Passaggi Trasformazioni (2011), the Italian editions of Victor Oscar Freeburg’s The Art of Photoplay Making (2013) and Torben Grodal’s Embodied Visions (2014, Premio Limina as Best Translation), Invenzioni dal vero. Discorsi sul neorealismo (2015), Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze (2015, with Vittorio Gallese). In 2011 he has been the recipient of a fellowship from the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University, and he is currently Principal Investigator of a “SIR Project” funded by MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca) on Italian film criticism in the 1940s and 1950s. He is the editor of the cinema Pandora (Diabasis) and Associate Editor of the film journal “Fata Morgana”.
Photo © Luigi Vasini