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Maria Inglese
Doctor-psychiatrist, AUSL Parma. Degree in medicine and surgery at the University of Parma, specialization in psychiatry at the University of Verona. She works as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist at the services of Parma, since 2006. Areas of intervention: senior physician at the Sert of Parma from 2006 to 2008, psychiatrist at the CSM oValli Taro e Ceno 2008-2012, from 2012 coordinates and directs the Service of Mental Health and Addiction in the penal institutions of Parma, from 2012 she works at the Sert Parma (Colorno surgery), psychotherapist since 2000. Interest in clinical practice is accompanied by theoretical reflection and to attempt to create dialogue between psychiatric theory and sociological and artistic “knowledge”. Since 2011 she organizes, in collaboration with Professor Vincenza Pellegrino University of Parma (Degree in Social Sciences), the exhibition “Dolore in bellezza”, that promotes public meetings on the topic of psychic pain and socio-anthropological knowledge, meetings represent an appointment for the city and the community, supported by the USL of Parma. Since 2009 she has promoted and coordinated the experience of expressive workshops aimed at patients in charge of the Department of Mental Health, she founded several workshops both in Parma and in the province. During her career as a psychiatrist at the CSM Valli Taro and Ceno she followed the experience of the“attori sensibili, guests of the Residence Psychiatric Pellegrino Parmense. Lives and works in Parma.
Photo © Stefano Vaja