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Ilaria Drago
The actress and writer Ilaria Drago is the director of her same name Company which is active since 1995. Her latest performances are Mariacane_chronicles of a rape, Simone_Weil poetic concert (which won the eighty edition of Voci dell’Anima Festival) and Antigone pietas; all these representations, created thanks to the collaboration of the composer Mario Guidi, defined Drago’s artistic language which is a form of poetical and musical theatre. She was a member of the Leo De Bernardinis Company and collaborated with many of the greatest personalities of Italian music and literature (for example Nanni Balestrini, Lello Voce, Roberto Laneri, Paolo Fresu). Her last performance MaddalenaMaria won the Premio del Pubblico, the Premio Confine Corpo and the Premio dei Tecnici theatre awards within the framework of VD’A Festival 2014. She is the author of the following publications: the theatre texts anthology Estasìe (Editoria&Spettacolo), the novel Dalla pelle al cielo (Avagliano Editore), the book of poems L’inquietudine della bestia, (Nemapress) which won the Premio 13 ( Campidoglio 2013) and the Roberto Farina (2014) international poetry awards, the anthology Di polvere e resurrezioni, (Nemapress, 2014).