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Fiorella Iacono
Fiorella Iacono was born in Modena and graduated there with a thesis on the poetics of William Burroughs. She writes for the journals Night Italia and Satisfiction and has contributed art criticism to the daily newspaper Il Manifesto. She catalogued Cesare Leonardi’s photographs for his study of Modena Cathedral after its restoration, published as Quando le cattedrali erano bianche (Panini, 1985). In her own photographic work she is interested in trying to express the sense of places but without reference to any preconceived cognitive perceptions.
2015 Foresta primitiva (Primitive Forests). Reggio Emilia, Fotografia Europea.
2015 Clouds Whisper. Carpi. (Photographs to accompany music by the Nubilaria
Clarinet Ensemble.
2014 Goli Otok (Barren Island), Casette Elemosinarie (Almshouses). Fotografia
Europea, Reggio Emila.
2014 Clouds/ Sequenze Effimere (Fleeting Sequences). Centro Culturale Alberione,
2014 Lands. Galleria Photogallery, Modena.
2011 Bearable Lightness. Fotografia Europa, Reggio Emilia.
2015 Contrasti (Contrasts), Villa Benvenuti, Formigine, Modena.
2014/5 Heim. Home, Modena.
2014 Lands. On/Off, Modena.
2014 Abitare nel mondo (Living in the World), Galleria Photogallery, Modena.
2015 Primitive Forests. Exhibition catalogue with text.
2015 Luca Monzani, Fiorella Iacono, Heim (with a poem by Andrea Gibellini).
2014 William Burroughs, Pittura, sperimentazione, scrittura (Painting, experimentalism, writing), edited by Fiorella Iacono, Mimesis. (Includes an interview made in Rome in 1987)
1997 L’arte della liuteria tra passato e futuro (The Luthier’s Art: Past and Present). Zanfi-Logos.