Dancing Babies _ Lucia Nicolussi Perego

Laboratorio rivolto a donne in attesa, mamme e neonate

Il progetto triennale NDT 2.0 Female Animal Bestiary vede dodici tra artiste e collettivi focalizzarsi sulle pratiche e le teorie della questione del Femminile | Animale per ridisegnare una cartografia interpretativa dei linguaggi contemporanei, in un’azione rimodellante della grammatica performativa.
Dopo Gloria Dorliguzzo con ✧ DAY OF WRATH ad aprile e Valentina Barbarini con ✧ IPHIGENIA IN AULIDE, da giugno è attivo il laboratorio ✧ DANCING BABIES a cura della danzatrice e coreografa Lucia Nicolussi Perego e rivolto a donne in attesa, a partire dalla trentesima settimana di gestazione.

Expectant mothers and their newborns are invited to experience the possibility of an unprecedented encounter, intimate and profound, guidate da un’esperta della teoria dellembodiment applied to prenatal.


Nella prima fase del laboratorio le donne in attesa potranno sperimentare un ‘tempo’ di ascolto, a suspended and protected place where you can view, imagine, play, dialogue with your child through movement-breath-relationship, poetic and vital act of rare depth.

Work represents an opportunity for the mother to become aware of the child's growth within her body, seeing him transform, feeling and experiencing the great adaptations of its forms in relation to the growth of the child.


Nella seconda fase del laboratorio si sperimenterà, within the mother-newborn relationship, the freedom of an encounter that leaves room for the child's movement, at play with the mother's body and the environment.

The music, the lights, the materials present will be both stimuli and cognitive support, ‘polmoni respirantiper creare un embodiment tra madre, son and place.

Subject to the consent of the participants, the lab (both in the phase 1, both in the phase 2) it will be documented through video recordings and subsequently transcribed into visual sequences presented in public form.

Lucia Nicolussi Perego

Lucia Nicolussi Perego is a choreographer, dancer, teacher, educational director and founder in 1983 of the Compagnia Era Acquario dance school. Born in Vicenza, he graduated in Psychology in Padua, lives and works in Parma where she collaborated as an interpreter and choreographer with Teatro Due, Lenz Foundation, Teatro delle Briciole-Teatro al Parco, Nature The Theaters.

His work studies the body as a bearer of dramaturgy where I breathe, gesture and voice merge into one, dialectical crossroads.

He obtained the IDME certification (Infant Developmental Movement Education) rilasciata da The School for Body-Mind Centering®, With the’ objective of helping newborns and children in their natural process of psycho-corporeal growth.

The free workshop takes place at Lenz Teatro, via Pasubio 3/e. To participate you need to write an email to info@lenzfondazione.it, o call the number 0521 270141 or write on Whatsapp to 335 6096220.

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