Haiku_Where before there was rock

14 – 15 – 16 November 2024 | ore 21 | Polidoro8 space [maps]


Poetic Rewilding of Lost Natures in the Urban Present

Creation | Maria Federica Masters
Interpreter | Sandra Soncini
Sound Environment | Andrew Azzali

With roots
he is breaking stones
and guardians of tombs.


Performative thinking HAIKU_WHERE WAS FOREST BEFORE | WATER | ARIA | ROCK artistically interprets the political-cultural assumptions of environmentalist associations to enhance practical large-scale nature restoration actions. The project tends to re-imagine the nature that has disappeared in cities and to restore the memory of the lost environment, through the power of short verses according to the Japanese formula of haiku dedicated to the sacredness of existence in the re-living animal and plant.

Poetry in action acts according to the principle of repair: the damage that man has caused in nature is not limited to the actual destruction of the environment, but it affects the very ability to know/feel ourselves in the whole, part of a plural cosmogony: beings in the multiple. So the regeneration will have to be twofold: repair the loss and rebuild what we have lost 'outside' and 'inside'.

In HAIKU_WHERE IT WAS BEFORE Emily Dickinson's lyrics flow in a pulsating flow, Rainer Maria Rilke, Ingeborg Bachmann, Ezra Pound, Antonia Pozzi, Friedrich Holderlin, Patrizia Cavalli, Marina Cvetaeva, and of course the poems of Pier Luigi Bacchini, poet from Parma who passed away in 2014, beloved author to whom Lenz dedicated from 1996 al 2015 numerous and vibrant stage readings curated by the dramaturg and visual artist Francesco Pititto and the body-voice of Sandra Soncini.


We, having become double bodies of air-water-wood-rock, can cross the separation surface and so, apparently broken, let's experiment – finally – a change of direction. Not in a solitary dive but in a flock, reunited with the winged puppets we dive headlong attracted by the relief of the sentimental crust. And even if our end is certain, close close to the columbidae on the bituminous covering, we continue to run at breakneck speed in the storm of roses and, breathless from the climb, to climb the forgotten mountains without tears.
Maria Federica Masters

Haiku is a new chapter of the book that Maria Federica Maestri and Francesco Pititto have been composing for some time with rare sensitivity, with empathetic perception that goes beyond the ordinary to make the 'extraordinary' ordinary, magicians and alchemists of a theater that mixes poetic words with power, mythical narrative e, almost emerged from them, icastic and illuminating images of reality. And ultimately their paradox is precisely that of unearthing sincerity by deforming false realism, the obsolete realism, in the profound reality of the imagination, psychology and metaphysics.
Maria Dolores Pesce

We need two major regeneration works: that of nature, which has been progressively impoverished by the advance of urbanisation, and that of culture, which must rewrite its ecological alphabet with new scientific and moral awareness. This is also why Lenz's contribution is precious: it helps us look at reality with different eyes, surprised, not routine, which in many senses is already an ecological exercise.
Danilo Selvaggi, Lipu General Director – BirdLife Italia and Policy Coordinator, Ecology of culture


14 – 15 – 16 November 2024
ore 21
Polidoro8 space, Borgo Polidoro 8, Parma [maps]
Haiku_Where before there was rock + Hybridize >>> single ticket €12
Single show ticket: Full price €8 | Reduced €6 (under 30, student3, teachers, AUSL employees)
Reservation required, limited places: (+39) 0521 270141 | (+39) 335 609 6220 | info@lenzfondazione.it

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