Little ones

22-23-24 April 2024 Municipality, Council Chamber [maps]


Biografie assenti volti presenti da anni 9 a 19 Mythography of young partisans
Site-specific video installation for the National Day of Liberation from Nazi-Fascism

Original text, imagoturgy | Francesco Pititto
Composition, installation | Maria Federica Masters
Musica | Andrew Azzali
Historical consultancy | Fabrizia Dalco, Madeleine Arrighini
Con la partecipazione delle studentesse del Liceo Socio-pedagogico Sanvitale, del Liceo Artistico Toschi, delle Scuole Medie Vicini, Fra Salimbene, dei Centri Giovani Montanara, Casa nel Parco – La Scuola del fare
Con il sostegno di La Giovane S.c.p.a.

When only the name and surname of a person remain and their whole life implodes in that Angioletta Nerina or Iolanda Benvenuti or in the registry sign of sixteen other young women, time needs bodies.

Of those eighteen girls who experienced the war with body and suffering, and partisans fought against that, occorre ridare immagine e somiglianza.

Words spoken by faces of today, young girls born between 1926 and the 1937, da nove a diciannove anni ciascuna nelle sembianze di altri visi coetanei, contemporaries as they traveled from then to now.
Words of today but as they were said then, day by day, from image to image without knowing which one was the real one. Imagoturgy of time, from name and surname only to faces that are all different, virtual but in real memory of lives lived, not behind but inside that name and surname.

The documentary image, the visual painting, i dialoghi veri e immaginati sono ciò che rimane affinché il tempo continui il suo giro a ellisse e, restoring body and voice, everything doesn't go back to the same as before. Revolutionary motion, like the Earth around the Sun, chorale of Memory and the present.


22-23-24 April 2024 | ore 10.30 – 14.30 and hours 15.30 – 19.30
Municipality, Council Chamber, Garibaldi square, Parma [maps]
Ingresso gratuito

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