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Lenz Teatro | Sala est Giorgia Angiuli (we love | metÚo)LIVE SET
Giorgia Angiuli ha composto e prodotto tre album, due dei quali, We love e Timeless, con l’etichetta Bpitch Control.Ha studiato chitarra classica presso il Conservatorio Nino Rota, e dopo qualche anno si è rivolta al metal, all’hardcore, alla composizione di musica elettronica. Le sue performance sono state ospitate nei più importanti festival e club di tutta Europa: Sonar (Barcellona), Panorama Bar (Berlino), Salone Del Mobile (Milano), Goa (Madrid), Fabbrica Europa (Firenze) e molti altri ancora. Ha composto musica per molti brand come Nintendo, Valentino, Pampaloni. I suoi live set spaziano tra il deep e la tecno, suona la tastiera, canta, utilizza strumenti vintage come il flauto, l’ocarina, le maracas, drum pad e theremin. Giorgia Angiuli is an italian composer and producer that released three albums (two of which with Bpitch Control rec, We love and Timeless, with the project WE LOVE as well as "Toyshop" in 2009 with the project METùO on Blackcandy rec). She studied classical guitar at the conservatory of music Nino Rota and after a few years turned to new metal and hardcore. At the age of 19 Giorgia had evolved her love and devotion to producing electronic based music whilst organizing events that extrude art in visuals, smells, music and bubble. She performed in the most important clubs and festival of Europe: (Sonar-Barcelona, Panorama Bar-Berlin, Salone Del mobible-Milan, Goa-Madrid, Fabbrica Europa-Firenze and many others). She composed music for many companies for example Nintendo, Valentino, Pampaloni and others. Her live set are eclectic between deep and techno, she plays keyboard, voice, vintage toys (like flute, ocarina, maracas), a drum pad and theremin.