Educate in the recognition and valorization of differences 2022/2023
project coordinated by the Municipality of Parma of which Lenz has been an active part since 2016

Literary theme: LENZ di Georg Büchner

4^B Primary School “G. Rodari”_Parma
Teachers: Nicoletta Rosi, Rita Buonuomo
Conductor: Alessandro Conti



The imagination and unconventional ideas of 4aB have completely overturned the laboratory's expectations.

They taught the real lesson on how to identify and welcome invisible differences. They who, through different ways of expressing themselves, have shown us adults previously unexplored worlds. They who through empathy took care of each other. They were even able to realize that all you need to do theater is someone watching us. Even if it were the smallest of living beings, even if it were an ant.

And if one day this ant, with all the little consideration it takes on, come up on stage and watch us? So notebooks in hand, and good vision.

Literary theme: LENZ di Georg Büchner
2^At Primary School “Tales”_Parma
Teachers: Carmela Tartaglione, Carmen Colucci, Giulia Lazzari
Conductor: Alessandro Conti



Crossing a space means asserting yourself, declare its existence. Each step is the reinforcement of a statement: "I exist". And the demonstration that although our bodies are different from each other, the desires we secretly cultivate remain the same. Through interviews and investigations on the bodies, we tried to identify what the desires of a second grader who alone are 7 there has already been a global pandemic for years, the risk of nuclear war and a catastrophic prospect brought about by climate change. So you need to take your own space, conquer your determination by walking towards the mountains, symbol of unconquerable greatness. For the students of the 2aIt was possible to do this through the journey, the climb, the downhill, but also through rest and above all through secret super powers that could soon manifest themselves and revolutionize the world.

Educate in the recognition and valorization of differences 2021/2022
project coordinated by the Municipality of Parma of which Lenz has been an active part since 2016

Thematic focus: THE BODY
Literary theme: THE CREATION (Genesis, Old Testament) 

3^A Primary School “G. Rodari”_Parma
Teachers: Marinella Froio, Isabella Sagone
Conductor: Alessandro Conti

Starting from the exploration of the possibilities of one's own body and from reading an atheist rewriting of the text of Genesis, the students* independently traced the conceptual parallelism Body-Earth, that is, how the care of one and the other is strictly interconnected and dependent. Subsequently, the stage space took shape thanks to the use of a digital microscope that directly reprojects personal fragments such as hands, dita, leather and the drawings made by the class on the origins of the world and life. The video projection is the framework within which the young people, visually immersed in the skin or imagination of someone else* companion*, they develop the stage movements composed during the workshop days. The class, full of energy, mutual listening and desire to do, day by day it has managed to revolutionize expectations and pre-set trajectories, in a fluid manner, instinctive and positive, so much so as to develop a creative force comparable to the generating potential of the primordial soup.

Thematic focus: THE RIGHT
Literary theme: THE BETWEEN (The right to bread)
2^A Secondary School “M. Neighbors”_Parma
Teacher: Angela Martelli
Conductor: Alessandro Conti

The formulation of the laboratory was based on a mosaic work, different every time, in order to track and stimulate the interests of each * student *. Every day a specific right was analyzed and, through debate or the brief drafting of a personal thought/drawing/trace, a stratification of materials was formed which was useful for generating collective memory and dramaturgical material used on stage. The outcome explores the multiple declinations of the rights addressed in the courtroom, focusing on postures taken from iconic paintings in the history of art and on specific contrasting emotions, that is, beyond the usual and the ordinary. For example: assume the posture of The raft of the jellyfish di Gericault (symbolically associated with “right to relief”) shouting in anger or, on the contrary, laugh at the shooting of the 3 maggio 1808 di Goya, the ultimate aim was to encourage creative movement and exploration of the personal empathic sphere.

Educate in the recognition and valorization of differences 2021
project coordinated by the Municipality of Parma of which Lenz has been an active part since 2016

Thematic focus: THE BODY
Literary theme: THE CREATION (Genesis, Old Testament) 

3^A Primary School “G. Rodari”_Parma
Teachers: Silvana Dino, Elisa Dotto
Presenter: Loredana Scianna
In Genesis, the elements of Creation appear by separation (the waters from the waters, the waters from the earth, the light from the darkness, daylight from night light, flesh from flesh). In the process of separation lie the identity and function of all the elements of Creation. No matter how much nostalgia it makes us strive for an inseparable unity, life is experienced through limits and boundaries. We worked on what the physical limit imposes: observation, respect, recognition of the empty space that allows our body to interact with another body. We have analyzed the "limit as possibility" in its positive meaning, as well as in what holds us back. In the action we replaced the epidermis border with the cortex border, blood with lymph, the embrace of the limbs with that of the branches. The void is thus no longer a void: it's our space, it is what welcomes us for to be.

2^A Primary School “G. Rodari”_Parma
Teachers: Marinella Froio, Isabella Sagone
Presenter: Loredana Scianna
Etymologically, in Sanskrit kar-tr he is the Creator, that is to say “the one who makes from nothing”. In the myth of Creation, However, the imprint of divinity wants us molded in his image. The children drew a creature "that wasn't there before and now exists" starting from a small piece of their body: from the contours of hands, feet, elbows, ears and anything else they could outline with a pencil, they created a shape, the original packaging. Then they gave this shape a name, a color, a story, a world. In short words, a life. Every creature shaped by children has positive and negative characteristics (sometimes the same, depending on the context). Sometimes they are tender and scary at the same time but, although totally different from what we already know, they are recognized by children as part of themselves and therefore loved, even when they "make you angry". The comparison with the biblical story of Adam and Eve (and their fall) we can fresco it with the words of one of them: “But anyway, God wants them first, then he chases them away, she loves him a little bit yes and a little bit no... it's not good at all!”.

4^B “Martyrs of Kefalonia” Primary School_Parma
Teachers: Teresa Parente, Viviana Romano
Presenter: Loredana Scianna
In the Old Testament, by "knowledge" we mean not only a way of understanding reality but, in a more complex way, experiencing it. Knowledge equals discernment, where the notion of things is overcome to extend to theirs value. Eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is an undue action if we think of the universal knowledge reserved for divinity alone; but if the gesture of the first disobedients was inspired by the desire to understand in order to distinguish? We worked on the critical sense necessary to make a choice, good or bad, towards a responsibility that is such in itself, before even reflecting on ethics. Does it ever exist, in the dimension in which we live, a “good” disobedience? The children think so. They bring their experience to us and cross their tree like a threshold. They do it with the energy and desire that their age allows them: running.

Educate in the recognition and valorization of differences 2020
Conversation with Roberto Riseri.

Educate in the recognition and valorization of differences, project coordinated by the Municipality of Parma of which Lenz has been an active part since 2016, in the school year 2019-2020 was aimed at classes 3C of the Anna Frank primary school and 4A of the Ulisse Adorni primary school in Parma. Of the twelve meetings scheduled with each group of children, five were made in person while the remaining, due to the health emergency, they had an online development. Roberto Riseri created and conducted these workshops.

The title Educate in the recognition and valorization of differences it is extremely clear in indicating the objective of the project. What idea of education e di difference try to achieve, in theatrical work with children?
The first thing I ask, as soon as I enter the classroom, it is mutual respect between students. Our work moves the deepest emotions, sometimes I propose exercises to children that can inevitably embarrass them: in these cases non-judgment is fundamental, they must feel free to be "ridiculous" without fear, they must accept themselves and their companions, similarly, they are getting involved. I always use the sticker album metaphor: the collection is rich and complete only if I have collected all different stickers, I tell them about the importance of everyone being different to give value to the whole group. Diversity is a value and must be welcomed: who would like an album with stickers that are all the same?

In the transformation of this year's routes from the traditional mode live What was lost in the telematic one?? And what was discovered?
From my point of view I think I have lost a lot: I think physical contact is fundamental, the look, the possibility of experiencing school in a different way, transforming a corridor, a gym or simply the classroom in a poetic space. Arrive, move school furniture, invade space with music and see small bodies moving, they hug each other or stand still and, starting from here, create minimal sequences. Unfortunately this job is impossible, online. Initially it seemed inconceivable to me to switch to telematic mode: how you can do theater on the PC? Then creativity and challenge came into play. We have shifted the focus to the gaze, on mimicry and we tried to transform an object like the PC into a window onto the students' homes: at that point we found new creative paths. 

How you theatrically acted on the themes of freedom and desire that characterized this year's experiences?
We worked on the theme of freedom and the violence imposed by denied freedom, definitely current in this period, establishing a parallel with those denied, in the past, through violence and death. In the two videos we made at the end of the routes we treated all this delicately, through poetic words. In the last live lessons we worked with both classes on the construction of simple objects with which to invent and interpret short stories. In a subsequent phase the object was chosen by me: the instruction for the children was to tell a story starting from the given element, in this case a paper boat and a pinwheel. Two objects immediately attributable to childhood: the little lead soldier's boat for traveling and having adventures and the pinwheel moved by the wind, to evoke changes and races across the meadows.

Two methodological questions, finally. The first: you seem to apply a maieutic approach, of an adult who initiates an action that children are invited to make happen independently. What specific attention does it require, this attitude?
I always start with a plan, I plan the lesson by points and themes that I want to address and I choose the music that will accompany the exercises but many times, in fact almost always, the work takes an unexpected shape. I think this is where the most interesting moment lies: accept the group's proposal, which suddenly shifts the work in another direction, taking on an identity of its own. Suddenly everything I thought before doesn't work anymore, it must be reconstructed in the present: at that moment the foundations are laid for developing the final outcome, which is never constructed on paper but follows the identity of the class/group.

The second: what of your experience as an interpreter of numerous Lenz Fondazione performative creations is transfused, in this area of ​​experience?
I believe that the experience as a performer was fundamental for the construction of a grammar of the body and space: learn continuous rigor and concentration, learn to inhabit space even when you are "doing nothing", recognize the sacredness of the stage space and the importance of the costume, of the object and of continuous reflection on the word. Most important thing: never settle for the first solution found, have the courage to start over every time, also welcoming the frustration. Be a student first and foremost - and continue to be one- to then pass on our experience to new students.

Parma, 9 June 2020



INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 3^A Primary School “G. Rodri.”
teacher: Loredana Scianna
January/May 2021
Video result May 2021

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2^A Primary School “G. Rodri.”
teacher: Loredana Scianna
January/May 2021
Video result May 2021

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 4^B “Martyrs of Kefalonia” Primary School
teacher: Loredana Scianna
January/May 2021
Video result May 2021



INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 4°A Is. “Adorni” Parma
teacher: Roberto Riseri
January/May 2020
Video Result May 2020

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 3°C actual. “Anna Frank” Parma
teacher: Roberto Riseri
January/May 2020
Video Result May 2020



INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 3°B Is. “Adorni” Parma
teacher: Alberto Soncini
January/May 2019
Theater in the Park, Parma 4 April 2019

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 1°E Is. “Malpeli” Parma
teacher: Roberto Riseri
January/May 2019
Outcome: hero-ANTI-hero
Theater in the Park, Parma 3 April 2019



INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 4°A Is. “Adorni” Parma
teacher: Roberto Riseri
January/May 2018
Outcome: Theater in the Park, Parma 19 April 2018

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 3°B Is. "Racagni" Parma
teacher: Roberto Riseri
January/May 2018
Outcome: Theater in the Park, Parma 19 April 2018 



INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 1°B Is. “G. Greens” Corcagnano_Parma
teacher: Roberto Riseri
January/May 2017
Outcome: THE EMPTY MEN by T.S. Eliot
Theater in the Park, Parma 28 April 2017


INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2°D Is.”M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
March may 2012
Outcome: WOYZECK there Georg Büchner
Meeting Adolescenti 2013
Theater in the Park, Parma 9 maggio 2013


INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 1°D Is.”M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
January/May 2012
Outcome: LET'S TRY TO BE HAPPY LIKE THIS, AS WE ARE from “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Andersen
Meeting Adolescenti 2012
Theater in the Park, Parma 10 maggio 2012


INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2°A Is.”M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
January February 2011
Students: n. 26
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2°D Is.”M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
January/May 2011
Outcome: IO, SIGISMONDO? from “Life is a dream” by Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Meeting Adolescenti 2011
Theater in the Park, Parma 5 maggio 2011


INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2°A Is.”M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
October December 2009
Students: n. 26
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY Students class 1st D Institute. M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
October/November 2009
Students: n. 26
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics 

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY Students class 1st A Institute. M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
January February 2010
Students: n. 26
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Intellectually disabled people and operators – I.T.A.S. “F. Bocchialini” Parma
teacher: Maria Federica Masters
February/May 2010
Students: n.15
Outcome: HAMLET KIDS da “Hamlet” di William Shakespeare
Meeting Adolescenti 2010
Theater in the Park, Parma 9 maggio 2010


INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2°D Is. “M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
October December 2008
Students n. 23
Themed workshop path: “Iphigenia in Aulis”

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2°A Is.”M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
October December 2008
Students: n. 26
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 1°A Is.”M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Elena Sorbi
February March 2009
Students: n. 26
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Intellectually disabled people and operators – I.T.A.S. “F. Bocchialini” Parma
teacher: Maria Federica Masters
February/April 2009
Students: n.15
Outcome: DELIVER TO US, GIRL, YOUR EYES from “The Ballad of Caperucita Roja” by Federico Garcia Lorca
Meeting Adolescenti 2009
Theater in the Park, Parma 7 maggio 2009


INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Intellectually disabled people and operators – I.T.A.S. “F. Bocchialini” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
February/April 2008
Students: n.17
Themed workshop path: “La morte di Danton” by Georg Büchner
Outcome:  c/o Meeting Adolescenti 2008 – “Inhabiting the world”
Theater in the Park, Parma 19 April 2008 


INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Intellectually disabled people and operators – I.T.A.S. “F. Bocchialini” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
January/April 2007
Students: n.17
Themed workshop path: “Life is inside me” K. Gibran
Outcome: Meeting Adolescenti 2007 – “Inhabiting the world”
Theater in the Park, Parma 20 April 2007 

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2 D-Inst. operators and disabled people. “M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
January March 2007
Students: n. 23
Themed workshop path: "Iphigenia in Aulis"

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY Students class 1st D Institute. M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
March may 2007
Students: n. 26
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics 


INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Intellectually disabled people and operators – I.T.I.S.” G. Galilee” – San Secondo
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
November December 2005
Students: n.12
Themed workshop path: “The myth”

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Intellectually disabled people and operators – I.T.A.S. “F. Bocchialini” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
January/May 2006
Students: n.17
Themed workshop path: The constant prince
Outcome: c/o Meeting Adolescenti 2006
Theater in the Park, Parma 6 maggio 2006 

INTEGRATED THEATER WORKSHOP Students class. 2 B – Operators and disabled people. “M. Melloni” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
January 2006
Students: n. 23
Themed workshop path: “Antigone” by Sophocles in Hölderlin's translation 

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY Students class 1st A Institute. "M.Melloni" Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
January February 2006
Students: n. 22
Laboratory course on Reading Dynamics 


INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Intellectually disabled people and operators – I.T.A.S. “F. Bocchialini” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
Students: n.16
Themed workshop path: “Iphigenia” by Euripides 

INTEGRATED THEATER LABORATORY – Students class. 1°B Operators and disabled people – Is. “M. MELLONI” Parma
teacher: Mariolina Carfani
Students: n.16
Themed workshop path: “Iphigenia” by Euripides

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