On The Right Track

Lenz Theatre | Sala Majakovskij

Domenica 14 December | h 22.30



“One thing is what things look like. Another is what they are really like. In fact things are what they look like”. A cabaret of the political absurd. Two back-up singers find themselves alone on an empty stage. No solo singer, no band. They are “backing up” the emptiness. They seem pretty lost, though in fact they are not as helpless as they look. They have a program. They have an opportunity to come to the fore. To take over the game.


Ideazione e messa a punto|| Grega Zorc | Vito Weis | Bojan Jablanovec
Performers || Grega Zorc | Vito Weis
Ideation | regia | text || Bojan Jablanovec
Styling || Mateja Benedetti
Disegno luci e scena || Igor Remeta
Sound design || Tomaž Grom
Responsabile di produzione || Špela Trošt
Production || Via Negativa con il supporsto del Ministero della Cultura della Repubblica Slovena e della città di Lubiana
Debutto || 25 June 2013, The Old Power Station Elektro, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

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