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Dramaturg and visual artist. In the 1977 translate, with Giuseppe Ferrari, Cinema according to Hitchcock by Truffaut-Pratiche Editrice, cult of film publishing. In the 1982 creates cultural programs for Rai3. In the 1986 founded in Parma, with Maria Federica Maestri, Lenz Refractions, rigorous and innovative research theater reported by the critic Giuseppe Bartolucci, dal 2015 Lenz Foundation.

Wins the Orizzonti Dramaturgy In-finita award, president Cesare Milanese, with the original text Even though they live on earth, men are boats inspired by Mayakovsky. He is the author of original rewrites and dramaturgy of great classical authors including Büchner, Lenz, Mayakovsky, Hölderlin, Kleist, Shakespeare, Goethe, Grimm, Calderón de la Barca, Andersen, Genet, Ovidio, Virgilio, D'Annunzio, Ariosto, Dante, Aeschylus, Euripides. Calderoni's operas are performed in various Spanish cities – the first of The Constant Prince takes place in Alméria – and receive the applause of the authoritative baroque theater scholar Ricard Salvat. In the same period he made a documentary Controman melancholy in Morocco.

In the 1997 he was awarded the Prize for Theatrical Research by the National Association of Theater Critics. In the 1999 the work Him-light she is invited by Ronconi to the Festival del Teatro d'Europa of the Piccolo Teatro and Davico Bonino describes her absolute originality in RAISAT. Subsequently the works snow-white e Cinderella of Grimm are invited to Lille, Madrid, Cairo, Olot, Arles and Ivry; he makes several documentary films including Figure Mosse in a therapeutic community, Imagoturgy to the Prado, Lenz in the Cathedral in the Cathedral of Parma; Little Red Riding Hood, of which he takes care of the direction, inaugurates the first Festival of Social Interactions directed by Claudio Meldolesi at the Duse Theater in Bologna; Life is a dream, she is invited to the Almagro Classical Theater Festival; the Little Mermaid, production included in Hans Cristian Andersen 2005 Foundation’s Celebrations, at the Salamanca Festival. He takes care of the composition of the diptych black factory e Songs of the Soul from the verses of Juan de La Cruz and a multi-year project of performative transcription of the poetic work of Pier Luigi Bacchini. Dal 2009 al 2014 cures the imagery of Exile, made in Romania and The box, performed by the Prometeo ensemble directed by Marco Angius, supervision by Salvatore Sciarrino; takes care of dramaturgy and imagoturgy of Hamlet at the Farnese Theater in Parma, e di Adelchi, Lenz's second work on Manzoni's works later The Betrothed.

Dal 2014 to date he creates images for the staging of Verdi Re Lear (Festival Value 2015); of the two-year project dedicated to Furious; dal 2015 to date he is responsible for the dramaturgy and imagoturgy of the permanent project on the themes of the Resistance and the Holocaust and of numerous works including: Auto-da-fé (Festival Value 2016); Purgatory e Paradiso (Festival Value 2017); The Great Theater of the World (2018), Life is Dream (2019), violent hippogriff, Flowers like stars?, Other state (invited in 2021 at the Venice Biennale Teatro), violent hippogriff; Life is a dream at the Valserena Abbey, chapters of the four-year project The Imminent Past for Parma 2020+21 Capital of Culture. Among the musical collaborations: In the 2017 crea Imagoturgy for a concert on the occasion of the inauguration of the seventeenth-century Grand Staircase of Pilotta di Parma, the live concert is performed simultaneously at the Farnese Theater by Robin Rimbaud, art name Scanner, among the most important composers on the world electronic scene and author of the music of Verdi Re Lear e di Little Red Riding Hood, scenic rewriting from Garcia Lorca's opera and staged at the Colorno Palace. With Lillevan Recherche, another composer of international standing and of many works by Lenz, crea Oresteia Concerto – imagoturgy for the three-year project on tragedyperformed live on the visual sequences.

In the 2020 Lenz is among the winners of the Culture for All call, culture of all of Parma, Italian Capital of Culture 2020-2021, promoted by the Municipality of Parma and the Institute for artistic heritage, cultural and natural areas of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Work on Work – every man is an artist – it is a digital engagement experience that involves the introduction of sessions touch painting during museum visits, in which the visitor is invited to create his own work on the exhibited work through the interposition of a transparent screen that allows, via touch and in interactive mode, to re-draw the work creating a new digital artistic artefact. In the 2021 participates in an international conference on Spanish Baroque Theater promoted by the Instituto Cervantes. He writes the text and creates the imagoturgy for The Creation from Haydn's work and Milton's Paradise Lost, commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, first chapter of the four-year project inspired by the Holy Scriptures. In the 2021-24 takes care of the dramaturgy and imagoturgy of a complex four-year project inspired by the Holy Scriptures: The creation, Numbers, Apocalypse, Apocalissi Gnostiche. In the 2022 he was awarded the certificate of civic merit by the City of Parma. In the 2024 takes care of the visual refractions of the performative iconostasis Over Gina Pane_4 Sentimental actions. In the 2024 Lenz Foundation wins the Ubu Award in the Special Award category.

Numerous critics and theater scholars write about Lenz's works, dance and visual arts, including Vallejo, Paintings, Manzella, Ercolani, Distefano, Palaces, Marino, Sleep, Drink, Acquaviva, Ottolenghi, Rizzo, Chimenti, Piergiacomi, Mei, Olivieri, Brighenti, Serrazanetti, Azzoni, Lei, Lotano, Arrigoni, Laughter, Zanon, Pesce.

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