

Per l’intera Giornata Mondiale del Teatro – 27 March 2025 [+]

Creation Maria Federica Maestri_Francesco Pititto
Interpreters Fabrizio Croci, C.L.. Grugher, Boris Kadin, Sandra Soncini, Tiziana Chapel, Victoria Vasquez Jury (soprano)
Musica Andrew Azzali

Dopo l’apparire dell’uomo e della donna sulla terra con La Creazione (2021) e il censimento del residuo vitale dell’umanità nei Numeri (2022), la rivelazione dell’Io nell’Apocalisse (2023) for the third phase of the dramaturgical investigation into the Holy Scriptures, compositions and visions by Maria Federica Maestri and Francesco Pititto, music and sound design by Andrea Azzali.

The imaginative framework of the work is the Apocalypse of John, a reflection/action on the human being at the time of his greatest crisis and his minimum prospects for survival, at the end of a progressive deterioration of its living space, in the Anthropocene era.

Slicing the apocalyptic evidence of the human condition into a dramatic body- visuale ibrido – l’Agnello dai sette occhi – il lavoro si sviluppa in una duplice tensione immaginifica: the visual part of the Apocalypse (imagoturgy) it was filmed in two symmetrical and opposite locations, in the mountain landscapes where the flocks graze freely and in Dandora, slum in Nairobi, considered the most polluted area on the planet, slums where hundreds of thousands of children live collecting waste.

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