Other State

12-13-14 March 2025 | ore 18 | Museo di Palazzo Poggi [maps]


Taken from Life is a dream by Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Creation | Maria Federica Maestri_Francesco Pititto
Interpreter | Barbara Voghera
Musica | Claudius Rocchetti, Johann Sebastian Bach
In collaborazione | Sistema Museale di Ateneo – University of Bologna

The question of Calderon's masterpiece «What is life?» is enriched by a further and fundamental philosophical enigma: "Who am I?»

In a continuous textual mirroring, the classic duality of the dramatic couple of prince/servant characters – Sigismondo/Clarino, il funny/fool of Spanish baroque dramas – is taken away from its elementary and simplifying sociological truth.

The figure of funny by Calderón de la Barca appropriates Sigismondo's verses, suspended between reality and fiction, placing himself in the same human condition as the protagonist, on the same threshold between reality and dream, past and present, imagination and reality.

Forced into the unique psychic body of the sensitive actress Barbara Voghera, prince and servant chase each other in search of a single identity with the only certainty that «there is no escape from the force of destiny and cruel fate; so every gesture is in vain, if you want to escape Death you are sure to die".

Voghera's sentimental body establishes an instant emotional closeness, a lightning-fast psychic alliance with the spectator: Barbara does not object to being seen for who she is, but it superimposes an unexpected and unimagined expressive power on the viewer's gaze/screen.

For further information on creation: OTHER STATE [+]


Il progetto di Lenz Fondazione spinge a riflettere sulla lettura dinamica dei reperti della scienza, dell’arte, della botanica, del pensiero umano attraverso azioni performative che abitino la contemporaneità, che riportino al centro del luogo MUSEO la funzione poetica originaria.

La rigenerazione del passato in un Presente Imminente significa opera di restauro e nuova vita per ogni bene custodito, un nuovo habitat immaginario in cui ogni cosa possa rappresentarsi, tramite i linguaggi dell’arte contemporanea, nella propria essenzialità insieme all’intrinseco valore estetico e storico.


12-13-14 March 2025
ore 18
Museo di Palazzo Poggi, Via Zamboni, 33, 40126 Bologna BO [maps]

Ticket office:
Intero 7€ Ridotto 3€ (persone studenti UniBO e ABABO)
Info and reservations:
www.sma.unibo.it/agenda/altro-stato | 051 2099610 | sma.museizamboni33@unibo.it

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