
Holy Scripture Project

Visual installation + Performative work

Dramaturgy, imagoturgy
Francesco Pititto
Composition, installation, wrappers
Maria Federica Masters
Andrew Azzali
Valentina Barbarini, Tiziana Chapel, Fabrizio Croci, C.L.. Grugher, Sandra Soncini
Victoria Vasquez Jury
documentary extractions
Anna Kauber
Video shoot
Julius Muchai // Friends of Kibiko ODV Association
Lenz Foundation

After the appearance of man and woman on earth with The creation (2021) and the census of the vital remnant of humanity in the Numbers (2022), the revelation of the ego inApocalypse (2023) for the third phase of the dramaturgical investigation into the Holy Scriptures, compositions and visions by Maria Federica Maestri and Francesco Pititto, music and sound design by Andrea Azzali.
The imaginative framework of the work is the Apocalypse of John, a reflection/action on the human being at the time of his greatest crisis and his minimum prospects for survival, at the end of a progressive deterioration of its living space, in the Anthropocene era.
Slicing the apocalyptic evidence of the human condition into a dramatic body- hybrid view – the Seven-eyed Lamb – the work develops in a double imaginative tension: the visual part of the Apocalypse (imagoturgy) it was filmed in two symmetrical and opposite locations, in the mountain landscapes where the flocks graze freely and in Dandora, slum in Nairobi, considered the most polluted area on the planet, slums where hundreds of thousands of children live collecting waste.


The Apocalypse of John, or other visionary, it is a roar of images. A roar and a crash mixed with lightning and thunder in a gloomy and dazzling sky together, from which protean figures emerge, shapeshifters loaded with symbols and destructive powers, bearers of catastrophic punishments and great magnificent prophetic apparitions such as the Woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under his feet and a crown of twelve stars on his head.

The two pillars of dramaturgy, But, they address in particular the question of quantity understood as the sum of individuals united by a prophetic mission – between conquest and the promised land – and that of water, vital element to the achievement of divine and human purposes, to the conscious and unconscious representation of this element.

The battlefield of imagination is as wide as the universe, the seismic roar that overwhelms every border of reality reaches the peak of a concert of light and dark where everything seems to stop, the mutant shapes and the space around, in unison with the amazing electromagnetic waves. Then comes the Lamb and time stops, as on the event horizon. The lamb has human eyes and looks at us, teaches us, imprinting makes the other roar of images that are our present flow quickly within us, real and true raw. The vision belongs to us because it is what we see, we live, and which outlines our apocalypse by revealing and unveiling our internal and external cataclysm, our being thrown into the world and the very world we live in for an insignificant time, a spark.

“In the distance goes the life of man/Where the new time sparkles from the branches, /The summer field is emptied of figures, /The forest with dark images appears; /Complete nature the picture of the times, /What remains, and they run fast / It's perfection, the sky sends flashes/ To man, as trees wrap themselves in flowers."

It's poetry again that whispers our apocalypse to us, what has already happened and what we have before us, crashes and crashes and great punishments are our true Babylon, and the lambs don't come to save us. Wonderland doesn't exist yet.

We have only our world left.


Holy Scripture Project
Visual installation + Performative work

Dramaturgy, imagoturgy
Francesco Pititto
Composition, installation, wrappers
Maria Federica Masters
Andrew Azzali
Fabrizio Croci, C.L.. Grugher, Boris Kadin, Sandra Soncini, Tiziana Chapel
Victoria Vasquez Jury
documentary extractions
Anna Kauber
Video shoot
Julius Muchai // Friends of Kibiko ODV Association
Lenz Foundation

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