Five portraits of women of Western myth. Sono Pentesilea di Heinrich von Kleist, Hecuba and Helena by Euripides, Iphigenia e Margrete by Wolfgang Goethe the five theatrical icons staged by Lenz Rifrazioni for the dramaturgical rewriting by Francesco Pititto and directed by Maria Federica Maestri. Sara Monferdini interprets the destinies of the tragic heroines, Elisa Orlandini, Sandra Soncini, Barbara Voghera, punctuated by the live performance of Adriano Engelbrecht's musical scores. The exceptional representative and symbolic strength of the dramaturgy that makes up Portraits and the extraordinary presence of the disabled actresses involved, artistic pillars of Lenz Refractions, make this artistic project highly innovative from the point of view of involving the public in poetic reflections on the tragedy of the human condition.

Five different modulations of the same loving feeling that changes according to the different tragic destiny. Inside the ring-sacred space that delimits the scene Elena, Pentesilea, Margaret, Smoking, Iphigenia takes turns fighting with their words: the damnation of beauty for Elena, overwhelmed by the love she receives, which he states “For the others, being beautiful is everything, for me it's the end”; the final monologue of Penthesilea the Kleistian Amazon after the discovery that she had torn her beloved Achilles to pieces; Margrete's monologuing episodes and her feeling that progressively grows from a flat and calm sea to small waves towards the storm, with the inevitable descent towards madness and prison. And then Hecuba's revenge and extreme pain, motherhood that turns into bestiality, unique total metamorphosis, from woman to bitch. Finally, the search for audacity and strength for Goethe's romantic Iphigenia in the monologue full of questions and great philosophical issues: “What is great?/What raises the soul up to the tailor who sews the song?/ If not the action of those who dared without hope”.


From Penthesilea by H. by Kleist, Hecuba and Helen by Euripides, Iphigenia and Faust. Goethe

translation and rewriting || Francesco Pititto
regia || Maria Federica Masters
scenic space | costumes || Maria Federica Masters
musica | live performance || Adrian Engelbrecht
interpreters || Sara Monferdini | Elisa Orlandini | Sandra Soncini | Barbara Voghera
production || Lenz Refractions
first || Lenz Theatre, Parma, 2003
duration || 50 minutes

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