Dido Epidermica

19-20 September 2024 | ore 18 | Roman bridge [maps]


Creation | Maria Federica Maestri_Francesco Pititto
Interpreter | Valentina Barbarini
Musica | Andrew Azzali

Images write verses.
The images recreate the geography of the world,
the sails sway from passion to reason following the waves of time and Dido is reborn, like a new Phoenix, from the ashes of the fire.

Riedizione site-specific per il sito archeologico del Ponte Romano, importante traccia dell’origine romana della città di Parma, di un’opera tratta dalle Heroidum of Ovid, ispirata al mito tragico di Didone, regina di Cartagine.

La questione del potere, del conflitto sentimentale e politico tra il conquistatore Enea e la regina di Cartagine, anticipano in una visione metastorica la violenza della colonizzazione fascista nell’Africa orientale.

Dido d’oggi quadro del presente che riflette il passato, recent history and coming history, pregnant woman committed suicide by her lover who fled for the virile task. Fertilize a new homeland that gives birth to the empire, the new boundary of the global world and individual thought. The images bounce, like pinball balls, hitting sound targets of things that happened, present and future. Youth, youth.

The empty skulls of the infernal hosts, the flying skulls, they remember that lost ages and loves never reappear from the sea again.
Mediterranean, in mezzo alle terre a naufragare promesse, goodbye, come back.


19-20 September 2024
ore 18
Roman bridge, piazza Ghiaia, Parma [maps]

Single ticket €8
Reservation required: (+39) 0521 270141 | (+39) 335 609 6220 | info@lenzfondazione.it

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