Apocalissi Gnostiche

23-31 October 2024 | Lenz Theatre


Creation | Maria Federica Maestri_Francesco Pititto
Musica | Andrew Azzali
Interpreters | Tiziana Chapel, C.L.. Grugher, Marcello Sambati, Sandra Soncini, Carlotta Spaggiari

What remains is the short time of the ritual, of the unfinished representation, of the wasteland that forces us vis à vis to relate to the present, each one in front of him, each faced with their own apocalyptic image.

With Gnostic Apocalypses, Lenz's four-year aesthetic reflection on sacred literature reaches its culmination, as a perspective cone from which to observe the condition of the human being at the time of his greatest crisis and his minimum prospects for survival in the Anthropocene era.

The Apocalypses of Adam, Pietro, Giacomo, Paul are part of the treasure of texts found by chance, In the 1945, in Nag Hammadi which revolutionized our knowledge of Gnosticism, condemned for centuries and that today, due to accidental discovery, comes back to speak to us with his own voice.

“Gnosis”, from ancient Greek “knowledge”, indicates the path that the individual acquires for himself and the power - control over the world and others - that this knowledge gives him. Currents of ideas inspired by Gnosticism are still part of the contemporary collective imagination.

Paradoxical, criptiche, radical and burning in enunciation, these Apocalypses offer images that cannot be erased, in particular the female figures of Mary Magdalene, of the Madonna, of Salome and Martha, which become the subject of surprising dramaturgical research, since the authority and presence of women does not appear in any other ancient religious writing.

Immediately attributable to the reality of the world we live in, to the human condition of every single interpreter of daily tragedy, with Gnostic Apocalypses Masters and Pititto install their own gnosis on the sense of the insurmountable limit, of the imprecise, of the indeterminate, of the body that even before the word speaks to other bodies, of the Magdalene, the first of the Apostles.


23 _ 24 _ 25 _ 29 _ 30 _ 31 October 2024 | ore 21
26 October 2024 | ore 17
Lenz Theatre
Ticket office: Full price €20 | Reduced €12 (under 30, over 60, AUSL employees, DOC card) | Ridotto student3 8€
Reservation required: (+39) 0521 270141 | (+39) 335 609 6220 | info@lenzfondazione.it

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