The poetic words of some of the greatest poets of the twentieth century, loved and selected by Pier Luigi Bacchini, poetic voice of choice in Lenz's artistic career: Yeats, Eliot, Benn, Pound and Pastures. The sense of value and musicality of the word in Yeats, Eliot's aristocratic and evocative poetry, Pound's recklessness and precision, Benn's inaction, Pascoli's poetic experimentation and Bacchini's infinite germinations and flourishes contribute to composing the dramaturgy of this Haiku.

Director's notes by Francesco Pititto

I have translated into several “moti” of stage representation, the works of Pier Luigi Bacchini. I practiced different ones “moti” of sound and bodily creation of Bacchini's verses: for actress and author, for quartet of actresses with author, for musician, actor and author. Each “speaking out” he established a relationship of cross-fading between the bodies with the place of the event, the voices, the sounds and the poetic landscape. I proposed to Bacchini the definition of a scenic text that not only included his writing but also poetic fragments of some authors dear to him. Yeats, Elliot, Benn, Pound and pastures. The sense of value and musicality of the word in Yeats, Eliot's aristocratic and evocative poetry, Pound's recklessness and precision, Benn's inaction, the poetic experimentation of Pascoli and the infinite germinations and flowerings of Bacchini, contribute to composing the dramaturgy of these Haiku on water. I imagined a concert of voices on the water and the poet marking time with Haiku, at dusk when the sun participates in the event. Bacchini's poetry is so penetrated into the essence of our poetic theater that it becomes its purest expression. In his verses nature and science arise, they die and are resurrected, the gods are present in the smallest human molecules and theaters are living landscapes in which births alternate, deaths and divine projections.


scenic lyrics from
Pier Luigi Bacchini, Giovanni Pascoli, William Butler Yeats, Thomas S.Eliot, Ezra Pound, Gottfried Benn

translation | playwriting || Francesco Pititto
regia || Francesco Pititto
scenic space | costumes || Maria Federica Masters
interpreters || Valentina Barbarini | Sandra Soncini
production || Lenz Foundation
first || Lipu Oasis, Nature Gods Theater Festival, Torrile, 2002
duration || 40 minutes









































































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