A narrow stage setting forces the actor into constant mutations. The themes of maturity and becoming require organization in managing the architecture of the body and, above all, the soul contained inside of it, freed by poetical mystical songs that endlessly probe the invisible.

A narrow stage setting forces the actor into constant mutations. The themes of maturity and becoming require organization in managing the architecture of the body and, above all, the soul contained inside of it, freed by poetical mystical songs that endlessly probe the invisible.


from Juan de La Cruz
Dramaturgy | Francesco Pititto
Direction | Francesco Pititto
Performer | Sandra soncini
Duration |30 minutes

Body shaking and shook, possessed by mystical fury. That of the extraordinary actor-dancer Sandra Soncini, a choreographic body rooted in the ground, yet with lightness and weight of a turbulent presence longing for the divine. She moves balancing on the long white strip drawn on the floor and lit by a linear sliver of light. First she is crouched, in the shape of one of Bacon’s figures, then she reveals herself throwing around hands and limbs, raising slowly, jerkily, moving in a frenzy dance with muscle spasms that betray that tension of the body towards ecstasy.
Giuseppe Distefano, Artribute, 26 April 2015

Juan de la Cruz’s magnificent verses express the attempt to reach God, a tension that mixes contemplative and profoundly real needs into an ascetic angst charged with sensuality.
Valeria Ottolenghi, Journal of Parma, 4 December 2017

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