Ampe e Garrido 

Pieter Ampe è nato in Burundi, si è poi formato come danzatore tra Austria e Belgio, dove ha conosciuto Guilherme Garrido, nel 2007 in occasione della frequentazione dei cicli P.A.R.T.S. Dal 2009 è artista in residenza a CAMPO, dove lavora alle sue creazioni, ma anche ad altre collaborazioni e ricerche.
Guilherme Garrido's è nato in Portogallo. Si è formato nel campo della danza, della coreografia e delle arti visive. Ha esperienza anche come curatore e direttore artistico.

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PIETER AMPE was born in Muyinga (Burundi) in 1982. He grew up in Ghent where from 1990 to 2001 he took part in several theatre workshops at the Speeltheater, now known as the Kopergietery. In 2002-2003 he studied at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance and the following year he took theatrical dance at Arnhem Dance Academy. From 2004 to 2008 he went through both courses at PARTS in Brussels. While there, he created the solo On Stage (2006), which was already shown at CAMPO during one of De Bank's Aperitif Concerts, and created Still Difficult Duet (2007) together with Guilherme Garrido. With Simon Mayer he presented the duet O feather of lead (2008). All of these pieces are still touring.
In 2006, along with 64 dancers and choreographers, Pieter took part in danceWEB, a scholarship programme that takes place each year in Vienna as part of the ImpulsTanz-festival. In 2009 Pieter Ampe took part in the new Rosas production The Song, under the direction of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. At CAMPO, where he is currently artist in residence, he is working on a follow-up to the duet with Guilherme Garrido, and with painter Ian Kesteleyn (just graduated from La Cambre in Brussels) and Eva Maria Kuepfer is researching how he can integrate mechanisms of ideas and dreams into his scenario. In 2010 he will continue to work on this.
Guilherme Garrido is a curator of Show Rooms within the frame of the annual Dance Festival A Fabrica (Porto) and runs a research space called 555 also in Porto, Portugal. Since October 2007 he has been touring all around Europe with Still Difficult Duet, a work in collaboration with Pieter Ampe, and is still working with Antonio Pedro Lopes in I WANT MORE FANS YOU WANT MORE STAGE and with Mia Habib in A couple dance. He's currently working with Pieter Ampe in their next duet Still Standing You in CAMPO, Gent.
His artistic work and education are connected to dance, choreography and fine arts. He is interested in performance as a story telling through becoming a showman disguised in contemporary dance. His artistic work always contains warm and subversive humour. He is occupied with how the body and movement can also give associations to films, hero figures, shows or rock concerts. At the same time he is interested in interweaving the fragility and intimacy.